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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pollution Watch- Chennai

Pollution Watch

These pictures were taken just adjacent to the Chetpet over bridge in Chennai. A large cache of old tyres were being burnt there.

I am happened to go there for a morning walk and the foul odour of the place drove me to the source and I clicked some snaps.

What’s depressing is the attitude of the authorities as there is absolutely no safe guard against such environmental hazards.

The proximity to a large water body, and the adjacency to a bustling railway tracks are flashpoints for a catastrophe waiting to happen.

The burning of tyres is also a serious health as the stench and the effluents being let in to the air were dispersed into a very wide area.

High time, the authorities woke up and did something about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.